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Financial pivot analysis

Menu path

Finance ➔ Reports ➔ Pivot analysis


A financial pivot analysis is an interactive analysis summary, which enables you to visualize the actual financial information rapidly and effectively. You can present the data of your choice in the exact way you want, with several options for grouping and specifying the requested information. In addition to visualizing the data of a single administration, the function also allows you to compare financial details between different administrations. Based on these comparisons, you can generate an analysis report according to your preferences. You can also save the report template(s) of your choice for future reference.


Toolbar section


Click this to define the columns that you want to view in the pivot analysis. For more information, see Defining columns for financial pivot analysis.


Click this to define the setting for a pivot analysis. For more information, see Defining settings for financial pivot analysis.

Sort ascending

Click this to sort the listing in ascending order.

Sort descending

Click this to sort the listing in descending order.


Click this to clear the defined criteria.

Display: Filter

Click this to show or hide the Filter section.

Display: Horizontal

Click this to show or hide the Axis-X listing panel.

Display: Vertical

Click this to show or hide the Axis-Y listing panel.

Display: Select company

Click this to show the company database panel. Click  on the right to add a new company database. You can add more than one. If you want to delete a company database, select the company and click.


Click this to display the Fields screen. In the Fields screen, select the required field(s) to add the selected criteria to Axis-X, Axis-Y and/or the Filter section. The following categories are available for the ease of filtering and searching for the necessary fields: AllGL account, Financial entries, Debtors, Suppliers, Logistics, People, Projects, Date, and System.

After you have selected the category, click To: X to assign it to Axis-X. You can assign more than one category.

After you have selected the category, click To: Y to assign it to Axis-Y. You can assign more than one category.

After you have selected the category, click To: Filter to assign it to the Filter section. You can assign more than one category.

Note: Any field you have assigned to Axis-X or Axis-Y will automatically be included in the Filter section. You can no longer view the field(s) in the Fields screen after you have assigned the field(s) to Axis-X or Axis-Y. To remove a field from Axis-X or Axis-Y, double-click on the field in the respective axis.

Show section

Include: Children

Select this check box to display the projects that meet the defined criteria and the children of each project in the financial pivot analysis. The projects will be displayed in groups of parent projects and the corresponding children from all levels, whereby each parent project and each child project is listed in ascending alphabetical order.

Note: This check box will be displayed when you add the Project: Parent option in Axis-X, Axis-Y, or in the Filter section. However, this check box is enabled only if the Project: Parent option is selected as the first option at Axis-Y.

Filter section

This section displays all the fields assigned from the Fields screen.


Click this to remove the unwanted fields from the Filter section.



Click this to update the pivot analysis according to the defined criteria.


Click this to export the pivot analysis to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Once clicked, and if you select the Include: Children check box, a message to confirm that you wish to group the data to be exported will be displayed. Select Yes to group the report by parent projects, whereby the subtotal for each parent project and the grand total for all parent projects will be displayed. Select No to display the report as per the pivot analysis.


Click this to zoom into the details of the selected entry. You will see the additional Our ref. and Your ref. buttons in the Pivot Analysis – Details screen besides the Refresh, Export and Close buttons after clicking Details. Click Our ref. to view our reference number for the financial transactions of the selected entry or Your ref. to view your reference number for the financial transactions of the selected entry.


Click this to exit.

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